Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Apple Trees

The Hubby is an avid hunter so it is no surprise half of our back yard is a food plot for the white tail deer.  Over the years we have harvested venison right from our own back yard. A pretty sweet deal for us plus it provided extra food for the growing boys.    

The Wall Of Shame in the garage

Five years ago we decided to plant apple trees in this food plot, so we obviously had to fence them.  I remember tree shopping and bringing four- Five Foot Tall-  Fireside Apple Trees home, all lying down in the back of the pickup truck.  We discussed caging them that evening and the decision was made not to, because “the deer could not possible find them that fast”. WRONG! Then next day we went back to town to purchase fencing.

With the boys all grown and out on their own, there is no longer the need for extra venison so we have decided to plant grass in the food plot and make it part of the yard.  Tonight we took down the fencing we put up 5 years ago and are disking the area.  The plan is to plant the grass this fall and have a larger yard in the spring. 

I think the time is right because we found some damage to a limb from rubbing on the fence and some of the lower limbs are limited by the fence.


Monday, June 27, 2016

Wedding Ideas

Wedding Ideas

I’m pretty practical about things, so when the hubby and I decided to get hitched we had a budget, and because it was the second marriage for both of us, plus we just bought a fixer upper, that budget was pretty low.  We wanted our guest to have a good time though and when all was said and done we had so many compliments on our efforts, everyone enjoyed themselves.  These are just a few ideas I’ll share with you.

We were married in a church in our home town and the rest was at the hotel in a neighboring town where everyone was staying. 

The bouquets were of live and dried roses with antique lace and buttons tucked in.  This cost a fraction of the normal price because the flower store could just hang and dry roses that were about to expire and I supplied the antique lace and buttons. I still have mine.

I was looking for center pieces and was discouraged by the price for something to just sit in the middle of a table and no one would remember its existence.  I ended up cleaning some terracotta pots that we inherited when we bought your house. We filled them with candy and the hotel supplied some hurricane lamps at no expense.   

Instead of having a traditional wedding cake, we opted for a verity of round cakes in our favorite flavors, German Chocolate, Black Forrest, Lemon Poppy Seed and Carrot Cake. Not one slice was left; the DJ took the last one home.  This cost much less because it was not considered a wedding cake and the store also delivered the cakes and supplied the pedestals as long as I promised to return them.


The only regret I have is the photographer choice I made.  I didn’t do my homework and chose someone who was going out of business. She showed up late, had an attitude the entire time, she also ended up holding my negatives ransom.  After purchasing my negatives I took them to a local photo shop and did receive some sound advice.  When looking for a photographer for any event, go to your local photo shop and ask for their advice.  They deal with so many different photographers some professional and some hobbyist but all in all you can get a good referral from them. The bonus was the disposable cameras we put on every table produced some fun filled pics.

Sunday, June 26, 2016



I am a wife and mother, I have always been crafty, repurposing and upcycling thrift store and garage sale finds.  I love spending time in my craft room, sewing, crocheting and painting. I love spending time in the kitchen making up recipes and creating gifts for friends and family.   I also love spending time outside gardening, fishing and four wheeling. 


I have a passion for old stuff. I am the keeper of many family hand-me-downs and consider it an honor to pass these things on to the next generation. I have a favorite antiquing town here in Wisconsin and drop in at least once a year to look for treasures and blow some dough.

My husband and I bought a fixer upper in 2000, because that’s all we could afford and spent the next few years making it our own.  There is still some work to do, but we are very proud of our accomplishment.

With the invention of Pinterest I have gained a passion for all kinds of ideas in these areas and can easily piss away the better part of a weekend pinning, pinning, pinning. https://www.pinterest.com/fowmona/

 I have said for years that I should have my own show and I have known the name for just as long, “Fucking Off With Mona” kind of a Martha Stewart meets Thug Kitchen thing.  We would do some crafting, cooking, gardening and DIY stuff, make some cocktails and bitch about our men. 

Good Times!
We also have one spoiled wiener dog, Schatzie, and you will see lots of pictures of her