Monday, January 22, 2018

Get your shit together!!

Sometimes you turn around an look at how much weight you have gained and for some reason you are "shocked"

REALLY??!!??  SHOCKED!!??!!??
Shocked that I keep shoving food in my mouth. Shocked that I don't go for a walk. Shocked that I don't know what hungry feels like anymore...

I want to a better person, better for me, better for my family.  I have always been up and down in the weight department.  I look back at pictures of me when I was a kid and in high school and remember thinking I was so heavy, I didn't look it. I was not heavy at all then, but I put on a bunch of weight in my 20s and 30s, a lot of it... Then some ups and downs and in 2003 I started the Atkins Diet and had great success. I was motivated, I felt good. I maintained a pretty steady weight for 5 years. Once I quit smoking something switched in my head.. I have gained all that weight back, and then some.  I need to get back on track!!  I need to GET MY SHIT TOGETHER!! 

I have a million excuses, I quit smoking (almost 10 years ago) I had a hysterectomy ( just over 4 years ago) I work at a desk job...   Just so many excuses, so I can justify eating something else...  No one will notice 10 more pounds...  RIGHT??!!??!! I catch a glimpse of myself and I'm actually disgusted. How did I let this happen? AGAIN??

I hate to even get on the scale anymore. I think I had a good week and then I get on that thing, and I gained...  Then I'm just upset and sick to my stomach... So I eat something... 

If you are reading this, what motivates you??  I'm not talking about monetary bets or joining groups or clubs, I'm talking about getting my mind back in the right place..  Getting my shit together...  I seriously have a lot of weight to get rid of...  I'm going to start with 50 pounds, but in all honestly I need to lose twice that to get back to normal. 

I don't need to be a size 6, I'd be so happy with a 12 at this point, but my goal would be back in a 9.

I'm going to set a goal and stick with it!!  I want to see how well I do in 20 days and then better that for the next 20 days.

Wish me luck, and share your motivation please

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